Understanding God's Plan for Children and Youth

While the Bible may not have specific instructions for children and youth, it does emphasize the significance of parents and the church community in assisting the younger generation in understanding God's plan.

In a rapidly changing world, it is of paramount importance to foster an environment where children can learn and grow alongside the adults in our church family. By actively involving them in the life of the church, we provide them with a valuable opportunity to cultivate a deep and meaningful faith at an early age. When children are included in the same spaces as adults, their curiosity is sparked, and they witness firsthand the beliefs, values, and practices that shape the community. They learn how to pray, worship, and serve others by observing the actions of older church members, which in turn helps to shape their own spiritual development. Furthermore, allowing children to learn alongside adults promotes a sense of intergenerational unity, breaking down barriers and nurturing a shared sense of identity within the church. When children feel valued and included within the larger church family, they are more likely to develop a lasting and strong connection to God and the church. Thus, prioritizing the integration and education of children within the church community is essential for their personal growth, fostering a vibrant and resilient faith for generations to come.

In our Sunday Gatherings we provide space inside the larger gathering for the parents, grandparents and younger children to be engaged. The children worship and learn alongside their parents. This approach is echoed in the home groups that meet throughout the week.