Core Practices

Devotion to scripture

There is an expectation of spending time personally, in groups, and corporately in the Scriptures.

“Church life” beyond Sunday gatherings

Doing life together in ways that grow, stir, and foster our love for God, ourselves, and others. Gathering throughout the week because we thirst for the things of God.

Everyone is a disciple who disciples

We are saved unto a life of transformation and renewal. We are commanded to go and make disciples thus we must first become a disciple.

Everyone exercises their gifts

In a culture of love we teach and empower people to operate in their gifts. Gifts are to build up and edify the body of Christ and are under the authority of leadership.

Regular multiplication of JOURNEY GROUPS

The pursuit to engage and include new believers in our gatherings plays a vital part in growing God’s influence in our surrounding community.

Simple gatherings

The object of our gatherings is to know God, to follow Jesus, and to be led by the Spirit.

“What we win people with, is what we win people to”


We make every effort to make our lives a result of our conversations with God.

next generation

Integrating the next generations into the life of the Body of Christ is critical. We must be willing to sacrifice our comfort for the sake of helping those younger to find their identity as God sees them.